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Pharmacology – II
Author(s) :Ravishankar K., Kiranmayi G.V.N

ISBN : 9788197181856
Name : Pharmacology – II
Price : Currency 695.00
Author/s : Ravishankar K., Kiranmayi G.V.N
Type : Text Book
Pages : 473
Year of Publication : 2024
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

"Pharmacology - II." With a meticulous approach, this comprehensive textbook takes you on a journey through the intricate realm of drug research and application, guiding you from fundamental principles to clinical intricacies.

Within its 26 chapters, you'll unravel the secrets behind drug mechanisms, pharmacokinetics, adverse effects, and therapeutic indications, all presented with clarity and backed by essential diagrams and tables. From physiology to chemistry, every aspect of drug action is explored, equipping readers with the knowledge for rational drug use in therapeutics.

Designed to cater to students of pharmacy, medicine, and dentistry, this book stands as a beacon of contemporary advancements in pharmacology. Up-to-date content and emphasis on key topics make it a must-have resource for aspiring healthcare professionals, while its engaging narrative ensures an insightful and enriching reading experience.

"Pharmacology - II" is not just a textbook; it's a valuable companion for those seeking a profound understanding of pharmacological principles and their practical application in the dynamic landscape of modern medicine.


1.    Drugs Affecting on Cardiovascular System

2.    Drugs Used in Heart Failure

3.    Antihypertensives

4.    Antianginal Drugs

5.    Antiarrhythmic Drugs

6.    Hypolipidemic Drugs

7.    Drugs used in the Therapy of Shock

8.    Drugs and Blood Coagulation

9.    Hemopoietic Drugs and Plasma Volume Expanders

10. Diuretics and Antidiuretics

11. Introduction to Autacoids and Classification

12. Histamine and Antihistamines

13. 5-Hydroxytryptamine, its Agonists and Antagonists

14. Angiotensin, Kinins, Leukotrienes, Prostaglandins, Cytokines, Nitric xide and Platelet activating Factor Angiotensin

15. Thromboxane and Substance P

16. Drugs Used to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout

17. Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs

18. Pituitary Hormones

19. Thyroid, Parathyroid Hormones and Antithyroid Drugs

20. Insulin and Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs

21. Estrogens, Progestins and Androgens

22. Adrenal Hormones

23. Drugs that Affect Uterine Function

24. Principles and Applications of Bioassay

25. Methods of Bioassay

26. Bioassays

About the Authors:

K. Ravi Shankar positioned today Professor & Principal in Aditya College of Pharmacy (Aditya Group of Institutions) Surampalem, Kakinada District.  He is active in Pharmacy Profession and enriched with 33 years of teaching and profession experience.  Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada has conferred with Best Teacher Award in 2014, APTI awarded him as Best Teacher for the year 2022.  He has published 80 research papers in various reputed journals and acts as reviewer to many pharmacy journals. 70 M.Pharmacy students have benefited from his guidance and 8 Ph.D candidates were awarded under his supervision.  He is the author of other text books “Social and Preventive Pharmacy”, “Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapeutics 2nd edition”, “Pharmacology: A Comprehensive Approach” and “Pharmacology: A Companion Handbook”.

G. V. N. Kiranmayi presently working as Professor in Dr. M.G.R. Deemed University, Chennai.  She is very active member and involves in various academic and professional activities.  Her continuous efforts in research has led to 30 research publications in various reputed scientific journals.  She was nominated by A.P. Academy of Sciences for Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states for Young Scientist Award in 2014. She was awarded Young Scientist Awarded during AUFAU International awards in 2016 in recognition of her significant contribution in pharmacy.  She is a co-author of other text books “Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapeutics 2nd edition”, “Pharmacology: A Comprehensive Approach” and “Pharmacology: A Companion Handbook”.
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