Earth & Environmental Science |
Library Science-Main |
Education-Main |
The manuscript is double spaced. Only one side of the paper has been used. Print is easy to read and all special characters have been identified. The manuscript has been proofread. All illustrations and tables have been cited in the text. All headings have been formatted to indicate their proper level of importance. All inserts have been typed or printed out double spaced and are clearly marked as to where they belong in the text. Sequential numbering of manuscript pages, tables, illustrations, references, equations, etc., has been checked.
All necessary permissions have been obtained and are included. All necessary permissions have not been obtained but are identified. Appropriate credit has been given in the text for all borrowed material.
All illustrations are complete and separate from the manuscript. The illustrations are numbered sequentially by chapter. Rough art for line drawings shows clearly what the Illustrator is to do. The clearest black and white glossy prints available have been supplied and identified. For any illustrations submitted on computer disks, there is a separate file for each illustration, the file has been named with the appropriate figure number, and the program used has been specified. Originals, transparencies, or glossy prints of halftones, NOT photocopies or previously printed tear sheets, are on hand.
The tables are numbered sequentially by chapter. Tables have been placed in the appropriate place in the text manuscript and have been called out in the text where they are to be placed.
Front Matter
The preface is included. Complete table of contents is included. Headings listed in the table of contents have been checked versus the text. Title page is included with your name and affiliation as you wish them to appear. Dedication, if there is one, is included. Contributors' list is included. List of mailing addresses for contributors is provided.
Each disk has been given a label indicating what is on it and the word processing software used. There is a separate file for each part of the manuscript, i.e., for each chapter, figure legends, front matter, appendix, and so on. Each file has been given a file name that describes it clearly and an extension that indicates the word processing program or illustration program used. A double-spaced printout of each of the electronic files is included. A printout of the directory for each disk has been included. All extended character codes or other codes used in the files and the corresponding characters have been specified in the cover letter.
Cover Letter
Please submit a cover letter with your master manuscript. It should include the following information: If any material is missing and when it will be received. If you are submitting an electronic manuscript, what kind of hardware, word processing, and illustration program you have used. If you have used any extended character codes and what their purpose is. If any unusual conventions have been used. Any other special requests. |