1. Overview: Pharmacokinetic Drug-Drug Interactions 2. Role of Cytocrome P450 Enzymes in Drug-Drug Interactions 3. The liver as Target for Chemical-Chemical Interactions 4. Application of Human Liver Microsomes in Metabolism Based Drug-Drug Interactions: In Vitro - in Vivo Correlations and The Abbott Laboratories Experience 5. Primary Hepatocyte Cultures as an in Vitro Experimental Model for the Evaluation of Pharmacokinetic Drug-Drug Interactions 6. Liver Slices as a Model in Drug Metabolism 7. Use of c DNA- Expressed Human Cytochrome P450 Enzymes to Study Potential Drug-Drug Interactions 8. Pharmacokinetics in Drug Interactions 9. Experimental Models for Enzyme Induction Potential of New Drug Candidates in Animals and Humans and Strategy for Their Use 10. Metabolic Drug-Drug Interactions: Perspective from FDA Medical and Clinical Pharmacology Reviewers 11. Drug Interactions: Perspective of the Canadian Drugs Directorate 12. Overview of Experimental Approaches for Study of Drug Metabolism and Drug- Drug Interactions |