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Textbook of Microbiology for Health Sciences
Author(s) :Lincy Joseph

ISBN : 9789348734662
Name : Textbook of Microbiology for Health Sciences
Price : Currency 225.00
Author/s : Lincy Joseph
Type : Text Book
Pages : 174
Year of Publication : 2025
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book: 

The "Textbook of Microbiology for Health Sciences" by Dr. Mathew George is an exhaustive resource that provides a thorough understanding of microbiology for students in health sciences and allied health sciences. This book is divided into comprehensive chapters that cover various aspects of microbiology, including the introduction to microbiology, branches, scope, and importance. The author also delves into the study of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, as well as sterilization methods, disinfection, and microbiological assays. Additionally, the book covers topics such as cell culture, preservation of pharmaceutical products, and assessment of microbial contamination and spoilage. This textbook is an essential resource for students seeking to gain a comprehensive understanding of microbiology and its applications in health sciences.


1.    Bacteria and It's Cultivation

2.    Staining & Sterilization

3.    Fungi and Viruses

4.    Contamination and Prevention of Microbes

5.    Microbial Contaminants and Cell Culture

About the Authors:

 Dr. Mathew George, Total of above 28 years of experience as a Professor/Research in Pharmacology/Pharmaceutical sciences including International Teaching and Research Experience. He have done Post-Doctoral studies from USA and France, Pharmacology from Manipal college of Pharmaceutical Sciences-Manipal.

            He have guided & supervised many Ph.D, M.Pharm , B.Pharm and Pharm D students. He have ample of publications in many reputed journals and authored different text books.

            He have presented and chaired many scientific papers and attended in various conferences held at National and International level at USA, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Singapore, Japan.

            He is an active member of various Pharmacy professional associations. Different awards have been honoured to him by Pharmacy academia like Best Distinguished Alumini by Manipal University, Best Teacher Pharmacist by Kerala State Pharmacy Council. Currently Dr Mathew George function as Director of Holy Queen College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Thrissur, Kerala.

Dr. Lincy Joseph, Post Doc (USA & Europe) have completed an M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and PhD in Pharmacy. She has been bestowed with many awards including the Best Teacher in Pharmaceutical Sciences award, the Best Teacher Pharmacist award in (Pharmaceutical Sciences), Eminent Teacher in Pharmaceutical Sciences Award.

            Have Received DST (Govt of India) research fund which is a meritorious academic credential. Five Patents have been successfully published and granted. She have supervised many PG / PhD research scholars. Ample of publications in Scopus, Pubmed, UGC care indexed journals more than 250 scientific research articles and Authored different National and International Textbooks.

         Have been chaired and presented research papers in conferences held at National and International level (Europe, Singapore, USA, Japan). Currently she function as Academic Director and Professor at Holy Queen College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Thrissur, Kerala.
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