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Fundamentals of Toxicology: Essential and Concepts and Applications
Author(s) :P. K. Gupta

ISBN : 9789386211019
Name : Fundamentals of Toxicology: Essential and Concepts and Applications
Price : Currency 2495.00
Author/s : P. K. Gupta
Type : Text Book
Pages : 422
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2025
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book: 

Fundamentals of Toxicology provides a crisp, easy-to-understand overview of the most important concepts, applications, and ideas needed in order to learn the basics of toxicology. Written by a pre-eminent toxicologist with over five decades of teaching experience, this comprehensive resource offers the hands-on knowledge needed for a strong foundation in the wide field of toxicology.

         Fundamental of Toxicology includes a clear structure divided into five units to assist learning and understanding. The 6rst unit provides extensive coverage on the background of toxicology including commonly used definitions and historical perspective, while the following units cover: basic concepts; regulatory requirements and Good Laboratory practices, including types of toxicology testing and evaluation; toxic agents and adverse effects on health; and analytical, forensic and diagnostic toxicology. Fundamentals of Toxicology is an essential book for advanced students in toxicology and across the biomedical sciences, life sciences, and environmental sciences learning the concepts of toxicology as well as early researchers needing to refresh outside of their specialty.

Key features

·         Explains the essential concepts of toxicology in a clear fashion

·         Provides in depth coverage of testing protocols, common drugs, chemicals, and laboratory based diagnostic and analytical toxicology

·         Explores the history, foundations, and most recent concepts of toxicology



1.    Introduction and historical background

2.    Definitions and scope of toxicology

3.    Classification of poisons/toxicants

4.    Factors affecting toxicity

5.    Natural laws concerning toxicology

6.    Hazard and risk assessment


7.    Absorption, distribution, and excretion of toxicants

8.     Biotransformation

9.    Principles and basic concepts of toxicokinetics


10. Toxicological testing: genesis

11. Toxicological testing: in vitro models

12. Toxicological testing: In vivo systems

13. Genotoxicity

14. Preclinical toxicological investigations of pharmaceutical products

15. Preclinical safety evaluation of biotechnology-derived products

16. Preclinical regulatory toxicology for biomaterials and medical devices

17. Toxic effects of pesticides {agrochemicals)


18. Toxic effects of metals

19. Toxic effects of nonmetallics

20. Neurotoxic agents

21. Toxic effects of cardiac poisons

22. Toxic effects of asphyxiants

23. Toxic effects of caustics (corrosives)

24. Drug toxicity, dependence, and abuse

25. Toxic effects of domestic chemicals

26. Toxic effects of poisonous plants

27. Poisonous foods and food poisoning

28. Poisons of animal origin

29. Chemical food poisoning

30. Health effects of radioactive materials


31. Basic concepts of forensic toxicology

32. Applications in toxicology

33. Clinical toxicology

34. Treatment of poisoning

About the Author:

 P.K. Gupta PhD (Toxicology), Post Doctorate in Toxicology (USA), PCDCA, FACVT (USA), FAEB, FST, FASc AW, FNAVS Director, Toxicotogy Consutting Seruices; Patron and Founder, Society of Toxicology of lndia; president, Academy of Sciences for Animal Welfare, Bareilly, UP, lndia.
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