BS Publications
Handbook of Nonlinear Optics
Editor(s) :Richard L. Sutherland

ISBN : 9780824742430
Name : Handbook of Nonlinear Optics
Price : 7000.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Editor/s : Richard L. Sutherland
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 974
Year of Publication : Rpt.2014
Publisher : CRC Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1. Elements of the Theory of Nonlinear Optics, 2. Frequency Doubling and Mixing, 3. Optical Parametric Generation, Amplification, and Oscillation, 4. Characterization of second Order Nonlinear Optical Materials, 5. Properties of Selected Second Order Nonlinear Optical Materials, 6. Nonlinear Index of Refraction, 7. Characterization of Nonlinear Refractive Index Materials, 8. Optical Properties of Selected Third order Nonlinear Optical Materials, 9. Nonlinear Absorption, 10. Experimental Techniques in Nonlinear Absorption, 11. Ultrafast Characterization Techniques, 12. Laser Flash Photolysis, 13. Nonlinear Absorption Properties of Selected Materials, 14. Stimulated Raman Scattering, 15. Stimulated Brillouin Scattering, 16. Properties of Selected Stimulated Light-Scattering Materials, 17. Electro-Optic Effects
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