BS Publications
The Electronics Handbook
Editor(s) :Jerry C. Whitaker

ISBN : 9780849318894
Name : The Electronics Handbook
Price : 6000.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Editor/s : Jerry C. Whitaker
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 2608
Year of Publication : Rpt.2014
Publisher : CRC Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1. Fundamental Electrical Theory, 2. Properties of Materials and Components, 3. Properties of Passive Components, 4. Passive Electrical Circuit, 5. Electron Vacuum Devices, 6. Microwave Vacuum Devices, 7. Semiconductor Devices and Circuits, 8. Microelectronics, 9. Optoelectronics, 10. Power Supplies and Regulation, 11. Packaging Electronic Systems, 12. Communication Principles, 13. Electromagnetic Radiation, 14. Information Recording and Storage, 15. Wired Communications Systems, 16. Wireless Communications Systems, 17. Radar and Radio navigation, 18. Control and Instrumentation Technology, 19. Computer Systems, 20. Signal Measurement, Analysis, and Testing, 21. Reliability Engineering, 22. Safety, 23. Engineering Management, Standardization, and Regulation
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