BS Publications
Practical Handbook of Genetic Algorithms: Complex Coding Systems
Editor(s) :Lance D. Chambers

ISBN : 9780849325397
Name : Practical Handbook of Genetic Algorithms: Complex Coding Systems
Price : 5000.00
Volume : Volume III
Editor/s : Lance D. Chambers
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 572
Year of Publication : Rpt.2014
Publisher : CRC Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1. A Lamarckian Evolution Strategy for Genetic Algorithms, 2. The Generalization and Solving of Timetable Scheduling Problems, 3. Implementing Fast and Flexible Parallel Genetic Algorithms, 4. Pattern Evolver, 5. Matrix-Based GA Representations in a Model of Evolving Animal Communication, 6. Algorithms to Improve the Convergence of a Genetic Algorithm with a Finite State Machine Genome, 7. A Synthesizable VHDL Coding of a Genetic Algorithm, 8. Genetic Algorithm Model Fitting, 9. A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search Heuristics for Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows, 10. Doing Gas with GAGS, 11. Memory Efficiency and Speed Enhancement Code for Gas, 12. Adaptive Portfolio Trading Strategies, 13. Population Size, Building Blocks, Fitness Landscape and Genetic Algorithm Search Efficiency in Combinatorial Optimization: An Empirical Study, 14. Experimental Results on the Effects of Multi-Parent Recombination: An Overview
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