BS Publications
Managing the Global Supply Chain
Author(s) :Philip B. Schary, Skjott-Larsen

ISBN : 9788176491570
Name : Managing the Global Supply Chain
Price : 495.00
Author/s : Philip B. Schary, Skjott-Larsen
Type : Text Book
Pages : 395
Year of Publication : 2000
Publisher : Viva/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. The Concept of the Global Supply Chain, 2. International Business and the Supply Chain, 3. The Grand Design: Structuring the Global Supply Chain, 4. The Supply Organization, 5. The Supply Process, 6. The procurement Process, 7. Distribution Management, 8. Transportation Systems for a European Market, 9. Management, Organization and Information Systems, 10. Strategy for the Global Supply Chain
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