BS Publications
Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management: Using AI to Facilitate Organizational Development
Author(s) :Sarah Lewis, Jonathan Passmore, Stefan Cantore

ISBN : 9780749453824
Name : Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management: Using AI to Facilitate Organizational Development
Price : 350.00
Author/s : Sarah Lewis, Jonathan Passmore
Type : Text Book
Pages : 256
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : Kogan Page/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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PART ONE : Understanding conversational approaches to change, 1. Organizations as machines, workers as cogs and management as a control process, 2. An alternative approach: organizations as living human systems, 3. The development of conversational approaches to organizational change, 4. Appreciative Inquiry: how do you do it?, PART TWO: Advanced ideas and practice, 5. The power of the question, 6. The power of conversation to transform, 7. Extending practice: working with story in organizations, 8. Developing your conversational practice, 9. Becoming an appreciative conversational practitioner, PART THREE: Using conversational approaches in the organization, 10. How to introduce Appreciative Inquiry and related approaches to your organization, 11. Case study: Using Appreciative Inquiry at BP Castrol Marine, 12. Case study: Revitalizing corporate values in Nokia, 13. Case study: World Café, 14. Case study: Applying Appreciative Inquiry to deliver strategic change: Orbseal Technology Center
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