BS Publications
Practical Financial Management: A Guide to Budgets, Balance Sheets and Business Finance
Author(s) :Colin Barrow

ISBN : 9780749455248
Name : Practical Financial Management: A Guide to Budgets, Balance Sheets and Business Finance
Price : 295.00
Edition : 7th Edition
Author/s : Colin Barrow
Type : Text Book
Pages : 196
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : Kogan Page/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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Part 1 Assembling Financial Data: 1. Keeping the Books, 2. The Cash Flow Statement, 3. The Profit-and-Loss Account, 4. The Balance Sheet, Part 2 Understanding the Figures:  5. Funding Strategies, Safety and Performance, 6. Using Ratios, 7. Cost, Volume, Pricing and Profit Decisions, 8. Improving Performance, Part 3 Figuring Out the Future:  9. Revenue Budgets, 10. Capital Budgets, 11. Preparing a Business Plan, Part 4 Dealing with Regulatory Authorities:  12. Computing Taxes, 13. Alternative Legal Structures, 14. Directors’ Role and Responsibilities
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