BS Publications
Global Account Management
Author(s) :Peter Cheverton

ISBN : 9780749448981
Name : Global Account Management
Price : 695.00
Author/s : Peter Cheverton
Type : Text Book
Pages : 242
Year of Publication : 2009
Publisher : Kogan Page/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Defining Global, 2. The particular Challenge of GAM, 3. Innocent among wolves, and other deadly sins, 4. The critical success factors - making it happen, 5. Getting the big picture, 6. Understanding the global buyer, 7. Understanding the customer’s decision making process, 8. Managing the global touch points, 9. Getting the board on board, 10. The Global account manager - rarest of breeds?, 11. Making it happen - structure and the persuasive process, 12. Performance and reward, 13. Getting IT right, 14. The Global account plan, 15. Harnessing the strengths of cultural diversity, 16.  Next steps, and getting further help

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