BS Publications
Market Intelligence: How and Why Organizations Use Market Research
Author(s) :Martin Callingham

ISBN : 9788175545441
Name : Market Intelligence: How and Why Organizations Use Market Research
Price : 350.00
Author/s : Martin Callingham
Type : Text Book
Pages : 232
Year of Publication : 2010
Publisher : Kogan Page/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Types of organization, 2. Knowledge is the most important asset of a company, 3. Decision making in an organization, 4. The market research function within an organization, 5. Buyer-supplier relationships, 6. The nature and scope of quantitative data, 7. Qualitative information and its relationship to quantitative information, 8. Designing the research, 9. Managing the research process from within the company, 10. Managing the results, 11. Knowing the future
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