BS Publications
Supply Chain Management
Author(s) :John T Mentzer

ISBN : 9788178298429
Name : Supply Chain Management
Price : 550.00
Author/s : John T Mentzer
Type : Text Book
Pages : 512
Year of Publication : 2001
Publisher : Sage/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. What is Supply Chain Management?, 2. Supply Chain Management in the Global Environment, 3. The Consequences of Supply Chain Management: Creating Value, Satisfaction, and Differential Advantage, 4. The Role of Marketing in Supply Chain Management, 5. The Dynamic Role of the Sales Function in Supply Chain Management, 6. Research and Development in Supply Chain Management, 7. Improving Supply Chain Sales Forecasting, 8. The Evolution and Growth of Production in Supply Chain Management, 9. Purchasing in a Supply Chain Context, 10. The Role of Logistics in the Supply Chain, 11. The Evolution and Growth of Information Systems in Supply Chain Management, 12. Financial Issues in Supply Chain Management, 13. Customer Service in a Supply Chain Management Context, 14. Inter-Functional Coordination in Supply Chain Management, 15. Inter-Corporate Cooperation in Supply Chain Management, 16. Measuring Performance in the Supply Chain, 17. Managing the Supply Chain: Managerial and Research Implication

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