BS Publications
Essentials of Operations Management
Author(s) :Scott T. Young

ISBN : 9788132102434
Name : Essentials of Operations Management
Price : 495.00
Author/s : Scott T. Young
Type : Text Book
Pages : 456
Year of Publication : 2009
Publisher : Sage/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Introduction to Operations Management and Productivity, Part-I: MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGY, 2. Productivity and Process Analysis, 3. Operations Strategy, 4. Managing the Operations Workforce, 5. The Balanced Scorecard Approach to Operations, 6. Total Quality Management, 7. Sustainable Operations,  Part-II: PLANNING, 8. Forecasting and Aggregate Planning, 9. Scheduling for Operations, 10. Facility Location, 11. Facility Layout and Waiting Lines, Part-III: INVENTORY, LOGISITICS, AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT, 12. Supply Chain Management, 13. Inventory Management and Purchasing, 14. Resource Planning, 15. Project Management

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