BS Publications
Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation
Author(s) :Robert A Paton, James McCalman

ISBN : 9788178299235
Name : Change Management: A Guide to Effective Implementation
Price : 495.00
Edition : 3rd Edition
Author/s : Robert A Paton, James McCalman
Type : Text Book
Pages : 420
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : Sage/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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Part-I: THE IMPACT AND DEFINITION OF CHANGE, 1. Introducing Change Management,                2. The Nature of Change, 3. Change and the Manager,           4. Managing Change from a Gender Perspective, 5. Mapping Change, Part-II: INTERVENTION STRATEGIES, 6. The Systems Approach to Change, 7. Cases in Intervention, 8. Total Project Management, 9. Competing Narratives, Part-III: THE ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT MODEL, 10. People Management, 11. Organizations Can Develop, 12. The Objective Outsider, 13. Organizational Politics and Change, 14. The Learning Organization, Part-IV: PRACTICAL CASES IN CHANGE MANAGEMENT, 15. Managing Knowledge and Change: an IBM Case Study, 16. A Case Study in Business Growth: Change at Smokies, 17. Intervention Cases, 18. Organizational Development Cases, 19. Epilogue
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