BS Publications
Practical Hand Book on Image Processing for Scientific and Technical Applications
Author(s) :Bernd Jahne

ISBN : 9780849319006
Name : Practical Hand Book on Image Processing for Scientific and Technical Applications
Price : 3500.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Bernd Jahne
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 585
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2013
Publisher : CRC Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1. Introduction ,  2. Tasks And Tools,  I. From Objects to Images, 3. Quantitative Visualization, 4. Image Formation, 5. Imaging Sensors, 6. Digitalization and Quantization, II Handling and Enhancing Images, 7. Pixels, 8. Geometry, 9. Restoration and Reconstruction, III From Images to Features, 10. Neighborhoods, 11. Regions, 12. Edges and Lines, 13. Orientation and Velocity, 14. Scale and Texture, IV From Features To Objects, 15. Segmentation, 16. Size And Shape, 17. Classification
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