BS Publications
Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Author(s) :A. R. Israni, S. M. Bhatt, P. K. Shah

ISBN : 9788178001821
Name : Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Price : 1995.00
Author/s : A. R. Israni, S. M. Bhatt
Type : Text Book
Pages : 648
Year of Publication : 2009
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1. Introduction, 2. Fuel and Combustion, 3. Properties of Gases, 4. Properties of Steam, 5. Heat Engines, 6. Steam Boiler, 7. Internal Combustion Engines, 8. Speed Control, 9. Pumps, 10. Air Compressors, 11. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 12. Coupling, Clutches and Brakes, 13. Power Transmission System, 14. Important Engineering Materials

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