BS Publications
An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming inC++, with Applications in Computer Graphics
Author(s) :Graham Seed

ISBN : 9788184890150
Name : An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming inC++, with Applications in Computer Graphics
Price : 995.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Graham Seed
Type : Text Book
Pages : 972
Year of Publication : Rpt.2008
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Overview, 2. The Development Environment, 3. Getting Started, 4. Fundamental Data Types, Declarations, Definitions and Expressions, 5. Making Decisions and Repetition, 6. Functions, 7. Arrays, 8. Structures, Unions, Enumerations and Type defs, 9. The C++ Class, 10. Operators and Overloading, 11. Friends, 12. Pointers, 13. Templates, 14. Exception Handling, 15. Inheritance, 16. Run-Time Type Information and Casting, 17. Input and Output, Files and Streams, 18. The Preprocessor, 19. Namespaces, 20. The Standard Template Library
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