BS Publications
Switching Theory for Logic Synthesis
Author(s) :Tsutomu Sasao

ISBN : 9788184898026
Name : Switching Theory for Logic Synthesis
Price : 1095.00
Author/s : Tsutomu Sasao
Type : Text Book
Pages : 361
Year of Publication : Rpt.2011
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Mathematical Foundation. 2. Lattice and Boolean Algebra. 3. Logic Functions and their Representations 4. Optimization of and-or Two-level Logic Networks. 5. Logic Functions with Various Properties. 6. Sequential Networks. 7. Optimization of Sequential Networks. 8. Delay and Asynchronous Behavior. 9. Multi-valued Input Two-valued Output Function. 10. Heuristic Optimization of Two level Networks. 11. Multi-level Logic Synthesis. 12. Logic Design Using Modules. 13. Logic Design Using EXORs. 14. Complexity of Logic Networks
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