BS Publications
Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Practice: Applications, Design and Simulation
Author(s) :Joseph Talavage, Roger G. Hannam

ISBN : 9780824777180
Name : Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Practice: Applications, Design and Simulation
Price : 1095.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Joseph Talavage, Roger G. Hannam
Type : Text Book
Pages : 358
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2013
Publisher : Taylor & Francis/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Introduction, 2. The Development of Manufacturing Systems, 3. Flexible Manufacturing Systems-Their Development and Benefits, 4. Pallets, Fixtures and Machines, 5. Work-Handling and system Layouts, 6. System Management and the developing scene, 7. Simulation and analysis in the design of FMS, 8. Simulation Modeling, 9. Network-of-Queue Modeling, 10. Network-of-Queue Analysis as a Design Aid for FMS, 11. Simulation for FMS Design, 12. Prescriptive tools for FMS Design, 13. Economic Justification of FMS, 14. Artificial Intelligence in the Design of FMS.
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