BS Publications
Modern Power System Analysis
Author(s) :Xi-Fan Wang, Yonghua Song, Malcolm Irving

ISBN : 9788132211099
Name : Modern Power System Analysis
Price : 1395.00
Author/s : Xi-Fan Wang, Yonghua Song
Type : Text Book
Pages : 450
Year of Publication : Rpt.2013
Publisher : Springer / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

Modern Power Systems Analysis provides new theories, models, and algorithms for the analysis of electrical power systems. It features recent developments in this area such as power flow analysis in a market environment, calculation of AC/DC interconnected systems, control and calculation for FACTS devices, and stochastic security analysis. This work serves as a useful reference for the professional engineer and researcher involved in the operation and control of electrical power systems.


1. Mathematical Model and Solution of Electric Networks, 2.Load Flow Analysis, 3.Stochastic Security Analysis of Electrical Power Systems 4. Power Flow Analysis in Market Environment, 5. HVDC and FACTS, 6. Mathematical Model of Synchronous Generator and Load, 7. Power System Transient Stability Analysis, 8.Small-Signal Stability Analysis of Power Systems.
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