BS Publications
HandBook of Automotive Power Electronics and Motor Drives
Editor(s) :Ali Emadi

ISBN : 9780824723613
Name : HandBook of Automotive Power Electronics and Motor Drives
Price : 3500.00
Editor/s : Ali Emadi
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 704
Year of Publication : Rpt.2013
Publisher : CRC Press/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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About the Book

Initially, the only electric loads encountered in an automobile were for lighting and the starter motor. Today, demands on performance, safety, emissions, comfort, convenience, entertainment, and communications have seen the working-in of seemingly innumerable advanced electronic devices. Consequently, vehicle electric systems require larger capacities and more complex configurations to deal with these demands. Covering applications in conventional, hybrid-electric, and electric vehicles, the Handbook of Automotive Power Electronics and Motor Drives provides a comprehensive reference for automotive electrical systems.

This authoritative handbook features contributions from an outstanding international panel of experts from industry and academia, highlighting existing and emerging technologies. Divided into five parts, the Handbook of Automotive Power Electronics and Motor Drives offers an overview of automotive power systems, discusses semiconductor devices, sensors, and other components, explains different power electronic converters, examines electric machines and associated drives, and details various advanced electrical loads as well as battery technology for automobile applications.

As we seek to answer the call for safer, more efficient, and lower-emission vehicles from regulators and consumer insistence on better performance, comfort, and entertainment, the technologies outlined in this book are vital for engineering advanced vehicles that will satisfy these criteria.


  • Provides a comprehensive overview of automotive electrical systems, focusing on power electronic converters and electric motor drives
  • Offers an introduction to automotive power systems followed by in-depth analysis of the components
  • Examines semiconductor devices, sensors, and components, various power electronic converters, electric machines and drives, advanced electrical loads, and battery technology
  •  Includes more than 470 illustrations and tables and more than 440 equations to complement the discussion


1. Automotive power systems, 2. Automotive semiconductor devices, components, and sensors, 3. Automotive power electronic converters, 4. Automotive motor drives, 5. Other automotive applications
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