BS Publications
Bramwell’s Helicopter Dynamics
Author(s) :A. R. S. Bramwell, George Done, David Balmford

ISBN : 9789382291305
Name : Bramwell’s Helicopter Dynamics
Price : 1295.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : A. R. S. Bramwell, George Done
Type : Text Book
Pages : 373
Year of Publication : Rpt.2013
Publisher : Elsevier/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Basic Mechanics of rotor systems and helicopter flight, 2. Rotor aerodynamics in axial flight, 3. Rotor aerodynamics and dynamics in forward flight, 4. Trim and performance in axial and forward flight, 5. Flight dynamics and control, 6. Rotor aerodynamics in forward flight, 7. Structural dynamics of elastic blades, 8. Rotor induced vibration, 9. Aero elastic and aero mechanical behaviour
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