BS Publications
A Course in Digital signal processing
Author(s) :Boaz Porat

ISBN : 9788126534913
Name : A Course in Digital signal processing
Price : 1495.00
Author/s : Boaz Porat
Type : Text Book
Pages : 602
Year of Publication : Rpt.2012
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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Contents 1. Introduction, 2. Review of frequency –Domain Analysis, 3. Sampling and Reconstruction, 4. The Discrete Fourier Transform, 5. The Fast Fourier Transform, 6. Practical Spectral Analysis, 7. Review of z-Transforms and Difference Equations, 8. Introduction to Digital Filters, 9. Finite Impulse Response Filters, 10. Infinite Impulse Response Filters, 11. Digital Filters Realization and Implementation, 12. Multirate Signal Processing, 13. Analysis and Modeling of Random Signals, 14. Digital Signal Processing Applications.
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