BS Publications
Biological Standardization
Author(s) :J. H. Burn

ISBN : 9780199694976
Name : Biological Standardization
Price : 1995.00
Author/s : J. H. Burn
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 439
Year of Publication : 2011
Publisher : Oxford/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1.      Contents

1. Units of measurement 2. The classification of methods 3. Statistical analysis 4. Pituitary (Posterior lobe) extract 5. Insulin 6. The hormones of the suprarenal gland 7. Thyroid 8. Parathyroid extract 9. The ovarian hormones 10. Male hormones 11. Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland 11. Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland 12. Vitamin D 13. Digitals, strophanthus and squill 14. Antipyretic and analgesics 15. Atropine substitutes 16. Local Anaesthetics 17. Gastric secretion 18. Secretin and Pancreozymin 19. Quinidine substitutes 20. Curare-like compounds 21. Anthelminthic substances 22. Trypanocidal substances
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