BS Publications
Essential Software Architecture
Author(s) :Ian Gorton

ISBN : 9788132202288
Name : Essential Software Architecture
Price : 895.00
Author/s : Ian Gorton
Type : Text Book
Pages : 283
Year of Publication : Rpt.2011
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

Gorton’s book tries to resolve this dilemma. It concisely describes the essential elements of knowledge and key skills required to be a software architect. The explanations encompass the essentials of architecture thinking, practices, and supporting technologies. They range from a general understanding of structure and quality attributes through technical issues like middleware components and documentation techniques to emerging technologies including  model-driven architecture, software product lines, aspect-oriented design, and the Semantic Web, all of which will influence future software system architectures

All approaches are illustrated by an ongoing real-world example. So if you work as an architect or senior designer (or want to someday), or if you are a student in software engineering, here is a valuable and yet approachable knowledge


·          Provides clear and concise information about methods and techniques for architectural best-practice in IT systems

·          Describes and analyses component and middleware technologies that support fundamental architectural patterns in enterprise systems

·          Looks forward to how recent and emerging technologies like SOA, MDA, AOD, and software product lines may affect the next generation of enterprise information system architectures

          ·          Uses real-world examples from banking, e-commerce, and government information systems to explain methods and technologies


1. Understanding Software Architecture 2. Introducing the Case Study 3. Software Quality Attributes 4. A Guide to Middleware Architectures and Technologies 5. A Software Architecture Process 6. Documenting a Software Architecture 7. Case Study Design 8. Looking Forward 9. Software Product Lines 10. Aspect Oriented Architectures 11. Model-Driven Architecture 12. Service-Oriented Architectures and Technologies 13. The Semantic Web 14. Software Agents: An Architectural 15. Concluding


About the Author

He was a member of the Empirical Software Engineering group at National ICT Australia (NICTA), based in Sydney, Australia. In over 20 years of experience, Ian has worked in both academia and industry, and held various senior positions, including Chief Architect, in Government research labs in Australia and the USA. He has also consulted to major organizations including Fujitsu, Borland, the Australian Stock Exchange, IBM and the Australian Tax office, and served as Program Chair for both WICSA and COMPARCH, the two leading international conferences in Software Architecture.

"I'm basically a software {architect, researcher, engineer}. I work on a whole range of projects, including new middleware technology R&D, designing architectures for enterprise applications, and carrying out software architecture research. I guess I must enjoy the variety!"
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