BS Publications
Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation
Author(s) :L. A. Geddes, L. E. Baker

ISBN : 9788126518074
Name : Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation
Price : 1595.00
Edition : 3rd Edition
Author/s : L. A. Geddes, L. E. Baker
Type : Text Book
Pages : 961
Year of Publication : Rpt.2008
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Biomedical Instruments and the Measurement of Physiological Events 2. Resistive Transducers 3. Inductive Transducers 4. Capacitive Transducers 5. Photoelectric Transducers 6. Piezoelectric Devices 7. Thermoelectric Devices 8. Chemical Transducers 9. Electrodes 10. Stimulators and Stimulation 11. Detection of physiological events by Impedance 12. The Bioelectric Events 13. Radiant Energy Devices 14. Ventilation and ventilators 15. Anesthesia and anesthesia equipment 16. Criteria for the faithful reproduction of an event

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