BS Publications
Digital VLSI Systems Design
Author(s) :Ramachandran S

ISBN : 9788184898231
Name : Digital VLSI Systems Design
Price : 1495.00
Author/s : Ramachandran S
Type : Text Book
Pages : 709
Year of Publication : Rpt.2011
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Introduction to Digital VLSI Systems Design 2. Review of Digital Systems Design 3. Design of Combinational and Sequential Circuits using Verilog 4. Writing a Test Bench for the Design 5. RTL Coding Guidelines 6. Simulation of Designs – Models in Tool 7. Synthesis of Designs – Synplify Tool 8. Place and Route and Back annotation 9. Design of Memories 10. Arithmetic Circuit Designs 11. Development of Algorithms and Verification using High Level Languages 12. Architectural Design 13. Project Design 14. Hardware Implementations using FPGA and I/O boards 15. Projects suggested for FPGA/ASIC Implementations

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