BS Publications
Introductory Operations Research Theory and Applications
Author(s) :H. S. Kasana, K. D. Kumar

ISBN : 9788181282828
Name : Introductory Operations Research Theory and Applications
Price : 795.00
Author/s : H. S. Kasana, K. D. Kumar
Type : Text Book
Pages : 581
Year of Publication : Rpt.2011
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Formulation 2. Geometry of Linear Programming 3. The Simplex Algorithm 4. Duality Theory 5. Advanced Linear Programming 6. Sensitivity Analysis 7. Transportation Problems 8. Network Analysis 9. Project Management 10. Sequencing Problems 11. Integer Programming 12. Dynamic Programming 13. Nonlinear Programming 14. Search Techniques 15. Geometric Programming 16. Goal Programming 17. Games Theory 18. Special Topics

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