BS Publications
Applied Pattern Recognition
Editor(s) :Horst Bunke, Abraham Kandel, Mark Last

ISBN : 9788184898729
Name : Applied Pattern Recognition
Price : 1095.00
Editor/s : Horst Bunke, Abraham Kandel
Type : Text Book
Pages : 245
Year of Publication : Rpt.2011
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Skin-based Face Detection-Extraction and Recognition of Facial Expressions 2. Facial Image Processing 3. Face Recognition and Pose Estimation with Parametric Linear Subspaces 4. 4D Segmentation of Cardiac Data Using Active Surfaces with Spatiotemporal Shape Priors 5. Measuring Similarity Between Trajectories of Mobile Objects 6. Feature-Driven Emergence of Model Graphs for Object Recognition and Categorization 7. Texture Analysis by Accurate Identification of a Generic Markov–Gibbs Model
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