BS Publications
Enzymes: A Practical Introduction to Structure, Mechanism, and Data Analysis
Author(s) :Copeland

ISBN : 9788126518166
Name : Enzymes: A Practical Introduction to Structure, Mechanism, and Data Analysis
Price : 995.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Copeland
Type : Text Book
Pages : 397
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2008
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. A brief history of enzymology 2. Chemical bonds and reactions in biochemistry 3. Structural components of enzymes 4. Protein-ligand binding equilibria 5. Kinetics of single-substrate enzyme reactions 6. Chemical mechanisms in enzyme catalysis 7. Experimental measures of enzyme activity 8. Reversible inhibitors 9. Tight binding inhibitors 10. Time-dependent inhibition 11. Enzyme reactions with multiple substrates 12. Cooperativity in enzyme catalysis.

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