BS Publications
Business Analysis Using Regression : A Casebook
Author(s) :Foster

ISBN : 9788181280299
Name : Business Analysis Using Regression : A Casebook
Price : 795.00
Author/s : Foster
Type : Text Book
Pages : 348
Year of Publication : 2003
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Fitting Equations to Data 2. Assumptions in Regression Modeling 3. Prediction and Confidence Intervals in Regression 4. Multiple Regression 5. Collinearity 6. Modeling Categorical Factors with two levels 7. Modeling Categorical Factors with two levels or more levels 8. Summary Regression Case 9. Comparing many mean values 10. Analysis of Variance 11. Modeling Categorical Response 12. Modeling Time Series

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