BS Publications
Genomics and Proteomics Functional and Computational Aspects
Author(s) :Sandor Suhai

ISBN : 9788181283207
Name : Genomics and Proteomics Functional and Computational Aspects
Price : 995.00
Author/s : Sandor Suhai
Type : Text Book
Pages : 250
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2009
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. and Counting: DNA-Microarrays 2. Obtaining and Evaluating Gene Expression Profiles with cDNA 3. Large Scale Expression Screening Identifies Molecular Pathways and Predicts Gene Function 4. The Glean Machine: What Can We Learn from DNA Sequence Polymorphisms? 5. Automatic Assembly and Editing of Genomic Data 6. QUEST: An Iterated Sequence Databank Search Method 7. An Essay on Individual Sequence Variation in Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) 8. Sequence Similarity Based Gene Prediction 9. Functional Proteomics 10. The Genome As a Flexible Polymer Chain: Recent Results from Simulations and Experiments 11. Analysis of Chromosome Territory Architecture in the Human Cell 12. From Sequence to Structure and Function: Modelling and Simulation of Light-Activated Membrane Proteins 13. SHOX Homeobox Gene and Turner Syndrome 14. A Feature-Based Approach to Discrimination and Prediction of Protein Folding 15. Linking Structural Biology with Genome Research: The Berlin “Protein Structure Factory” Initiative 16. G Protein-coupled Receptors, or the Power of Data 17. Distributed Application Management in Bioinformatics 18. Is Human Genetics Becoming Dangerous to Society?

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