BS Publications
Software Architecture
Author(s) :David M. Dikel, David Kane, James R. Wilson

ISBN : 9788131756232
Name : Software Architecture
Price : 795.00
Author/s : David M. Dikel, David Kane
Type : Text Book
Pages : 281
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2011
Publisher : Pearson/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. What you can’t see could help you 2. The VRAPS Referene Model: How the pieces fit together 3. Projecting and Unifying Vision 4. Rhythm: Assuring Beat, Process, and Movement 5. Anticipation: Predicting, Validating, and Adapting 6. Partnering: Building Cooperative Organizations 7. Simiplification: Clarifying and minimizing 8. Principles at Work: The Allaire Case Study 9. Case Study: Building and Implementing a Benchmark using VRAPS

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