BS Publications
Video Processing and Communications
Author(s) :Yao Wang, Jorn Ostermann, Ya-Qin Zhang

ISBN : 9788131733646
Name : Video Processing and Communications
Price : 1195.00
Author/s : Yao Wang, Jorn Ostermann
Type : Text Book
Pages : 595
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2010
Publisher : Pearson/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Video Formation perception and Representation 2. Fourier Analysis of Video Signals and Frequency Response of the Human Visual System 3.Video Sampling 4. Video Sampling Rate Conversion 5. Video Modeling 6. Two-Dimensional Motion Estimation 7. Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation 8. Foundations of Video Coding 9. Waveform-Based Video Coding 10. Content-Dependent Video Coding 11. Scalable Video Coding 12. Stereo and Multi view Sequence Processing 13. Video Compression Standards 14. Error Control in Video Communications 15. Streaming Video Over the Internet and Wireless IP Networks

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