BS Publications
Bioinformatics - 3
Author(s) :Irfan Ali Khan

ISBN : 8188279641
Name : Bioinformatics - 3
Price : 245.00
Author/s : Irfan Ali Khan
Type : Text Book
Pages : 367
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2011
Publisher : Ukaaz/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Introduction to Bioinformatics 2. Sequence Alignment 3. Finding a sequence record for a gene 4. Using Blast for similarity searching 5. Molecular evolution and codon usage frequency bias 6. Bioinformatics as a tool for identifying and understanding human disease 7. Web based Programming 8. Artificial Intelligence 9. Perl Programming 10. Biocomputing 11. Bioperl Programming 12. Algorithm and Flow chart 13. Computer Algorithm 14. Genetic Algorithm

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