BS Publications
Pharmacoethics: A Problem-Based Approach
Author(s) :Gettman David A., Dean Arneson

ISBN : 9781587160356
Name : Pharmacoethics: A Problem-Based Approach
Price : 1295.00
Author/s : Gettman David A., Dean Arneson
Type : Text Book
Pages : 472
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2010
Publisher : Taylor & Francis/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Professional Responsibility 2. Patients’ Rights 3. Privacy and Confidentiality 4. Ethics Committees 5. Patient Privacy 6. Truth Telling 7. Reproductive Ethics 8. Genetic Screening 9. Seriously Ill Neonates 10. Distributive Justice 11. Unethical Experimentation 12. Research Principles 13. Scientific Integrity 14. Research on Human Subjects 15. Research/Testing on Animals 16. Intellectual Property 17. Germline Therapy 18. Medical Surveillance

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