BS Publications
Essential’s of Human Physiology for Pharmacy
Author(s) :Mc Corry

ISBN : 9781420043907
Name : Essential’s of Human Physiology for Pharmacy
Price : 1295.00
Author/s : Mc Corry
Type : Text Book
Pages : 496
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2010
Publisher : Taylor & Francis/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Physiology and the Concept of Homeostasis 2. Plasma Membrane 3. Membrane Potential 4. Electrical Signals 5. Synaptic Transmission 6. The Nervous System 7. The Spinal Cord 8. Pain 9. The Autonomic Nervous System 10. The Endocrine System 11. The Reproductive System 12. Skeletal Muscle 13. Smooth Muscle 14. Cardiac Physiology 15. Cardiac Output 16. The Circulatory System 17. Blood and Hemostasis 18. The Immune System 19. The Respiratory System 20. The Digestive System 21. The Renal System

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