BS Publications
Random Signals: Detection, Estimation and Data Analysis
Author(s) :K. Sam Shanmugan, A. M. Breipohl

ISBN : 9788126528790
Name : Random Signals: Detection, Estimation and Data Analysis
Price : 1595.00
Author/s : K. Sam Shanmugan, A. M. Breipohl
Type : Text Book
Pages : 664
Year of Publication : Rpt.2011
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Introduction, 2. Review of Probability and Random Variables, 3. Random Processes and Sequences, 4. Response of Linear Systems to Random Inputs, 5. Special Classes of Random Processes, 6. Signal Detection, 7. Linear Minimum Mean-Square Error Filtering, 8. Statistics,9. Estimating the Parameters of Random Processes from Data

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