BS Publications
Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Author(s) :Milo Gibaldi

ISBN : 9788188449064
Name : Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Price : 595.00
Edition : 4th Edition
Author/s : Milo Gibaldi
Type : Text Book
Pages : 420
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2023
Publisher : PharmaBookSyndicate/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

"Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics" is your ultimate guide to understanding the complex relationship between drugs and their effects on the human body. This book delves deep into the science behind drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, and provides a comprehensive understanding of how these processes influence the therapeutic and adverse effects of drugs.

Through detailed explanations and real-world examples, you will learn about the application of mathematics and biochemistry in a physiologic and pharmacologic context, and how clinical pharmacokinetics has evolved from the advances in pharmacokinetics, clinical pharmacology, analytic chemistry, biopharmaceutics, and therapeutics. Gain valuable insights into the physicochemical properties of drugs in a dosage form and how they affect their pharmacologic, toxicologic, or clinical response observed after its administration.

"Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics" offers a comprehensive and authoritative reference to help you understand the complex science behind the use of drugs in modern medicine.


1. Introduction to Pharmacokinetics, 2. Compartmental and Non compartmental Pharmacokinetics, 3. Gastrointestinal Absorption- Biologic Considerations, 4. Gastrointestinal Absorption-Physicochemical Considerations, 5. Gastrointestinal Absorption- Role of the Dosage Form, 6. Nonoral Medication, 7. Prolonged- Release Medication, 8. Bioavailability, 9. Drug Concentration- Distribution, 10. Drug Concentration- Elimination, 11. Pharmacokinetic Variability- Body weight, age, sex, and Genetic factors, 12. Pharmacokinetic Variability- Disease, 13. Pharmacokinetic Variability- Drug interactions, 14. Individualization and optimization of Drug Dosing Regimens

About the Author

Milo Gibaldi, is working as Dean, School of Pharmacy, and Associate Vice President, Health Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.
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