BS Publications
Programming in UNIX and Compiler Design
Author(s) :K. V. N. Sunitha, N. Kalyani

ISBN : 9788178001647
Name : Programming in UNIX and Compiler Design
Price : 350.00
Author/s : K. V. N. Sunitha, N. Kalyani
Type : Text Book
Pages : 226
Year of Publication : Rpt. 2024
Publisher : BS Publications/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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Abouth the Book

This book is written with emphasis on practical programming examples, with inputs of theory and concepts behind the programming. The book is divided into two parts, the first part focusing on Advanced Unix programming and the second part on Compiler design. The book aims at providing a compatible way of attempting the problems through detailed algorithm and its implementation.

Sailent Features

  • Unix programming and Compiler design focuses on Advanced Unix programming and gives the details about how to programme in shell environment with good examples followed by the programming examples and exercises.
  • Compiler Design gives brief introduction of the phases followed by the algorithm and program implementation in C. with good explanation in detail about Compiler writing tools like LEX, YACC.
  • At the end of each part, exercise questions are included with viva questions.


  1. Shell Programming
  2. Unix File Structure
  3. Process
  4. Time and Date
  5. Semaphores
  6. Shared Memory Segments
  7. Message Queue
  8. Lexical Analysis
  9. Lex Tool
  10. Recursive Decent Parser
  11. Predictive Parser-LL(1) Parser
  12. LALR Parser
  13. Yacc-Yet Another Compiler
  14. Three Address Code Generation
  15. Target Code Generator

About the Authors

K.V.N.Sunitha, PhD has 16 years of Teaching experience. Presently, she is working as Head of Computer Science Department, G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad.

     She has published more than 20 papers in International & National Journals and conferences and is guiding three PhD students under JNTU. She is fellow of Institute of Engineers and member of many technical associations like CSI, IEEE, ACM.

     She is a recipient of Academic Excellence award by GNITS in 2004. She has received "Best computer engineer award" from ISTE in Feb 2008.

N.Kalyani, M.Tech is presently working as Associate Professor in G.Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad. She worked as Design Engineer in R.K. Engineers for 5 years. She has 3 years of teaching experience at Gokarau Rangaraju Institute of Technology and Science, Bachupally, Hyderabad.

            She has published four papers in International conferences. She is life member of technical associations like CSI and ISTE

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