BS Publications
VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies (With CD)
Author(s) :Cohen

ISBN : 9788181283153
Name : VHDL Coding Styles and Methodologies (With CD)
Price : 995.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Cohen
Type : Text Book
Pages : 453
Year of Publication : 2005
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. VHDL Overview and Concepts. 2. Basic Language Elements. 3. Control Structures. 4. Drivers. 5. VHDL Timing. 6. Elements of Entity/Architecture. 7. Subprograms. 8. Packages. 9. User Defined Attributes, Specifications, and Configurations. 10. Design for Synthesis. 11. Functional Models and Testbenches. 12. UART Project. Appendix A: VHDL 93 and VHDL 87 Syntax Summary. Appendix B: Package Standard. Appendix C: Package Textio. Appendix D: STD_Logic_Textio. Appendix E: Package STD_Logic_1164. Appendix F: Numeric_STD. Appendix G: STD_Logic_Unsigned. AppendixH: STD_Logic_Signed. Appendix I: STD_Logic_Arith. Appendix J: STD_Logic_Misc. Appendix K: VHDL Predefined Attributes.

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