BS Publications
VHDL Coding and Logic Synthesis with Synopsis
Author(s) :Lee

ISBN : 9780124406513
Name : VHDL Coding and Logic Synthesis with Synopsis
Price : 1450.00
Author/s : Lee
Type : Text Book
Pages : 392
Year of Publication : 2000
Publisher : Elsevier/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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I. VHDL CODING: 1. Introduction. 2. VHDL Simulation and Synthesis Flow. 3. Synthesizable Code for Basic Logic Components.4. Signal Versus Variable. 5. Examples of Complex Synthesizable Code. 6. Pipeline Microcontroller Synthesizable Design. II. LOGIC SYNTHESIS WITH SYNOPSYS: 7. Timing Considerations in Design. 8. VHDL Synthesis with Timing Constraints. 9. GTECH Instantiation. 10. Design Ware Library. 11. Testability Issues in Synthesis. 12. FPGA Synthesis. 13. Synthesis Links to Layout. 14. Design Guideline to Follow for Efficient Synthesis. 15. Appendix A (STD_LOGIC_1164 Library). 16. Appendix B (Shifter Synthesis Results). 17. Appendix C (Counter Synthesis Results). 18. Appendix D (Pipeline Microcontroller Synthesis Results—Top-Down Compilation). 19. Appendix E (EDIF File of Synthesized Microcontroller Example from Chapter 6). 20. Appendix F (SDF File from Synthesized Microcontroller Example of Chapter 6).

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