BS Publications
Vegetable Production
Author(s) :Nonecke

ISBN : 9788181285065
Name : Vegetable Production
Price : 1795.00
Author/s : Nonecke
Type : Text Book
Pages : 657
Year of Publication : 2006
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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Part-I Principles of Vegetable Production: 1. Scope of the Vegetable Industry 2. Classification of vegetables 3. Seed Production 4. Soils 5. Environmental modifiers influencing vegetable production 6. Mechanizing vegetable production 7. Postharvest handling 8. The market place Part-II The Science and technology of vegetable crops 9. Solanaceous crops: potato, tomato, pepper, eggplant 10. Legumes: Pulse Crops 11. Bulbs 12. Roots 13. Cole crops 14. Sweet corn 15. Mushrooms 16. The leafy crops 17. Petiole crops 18. Cucumbers, Squashes, and melons 19. Perennials 20. Herbs or Potherbs 21. Okra 22. Tropicals

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