BS Publications
The Verilog PLI Handbook
Author(s) :Sutherland

ISBN : 9788181288122
Name : The Verilog PLI Handbook
Price : 2795.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Sutherland
Type : Text Book
Pages : 784
Year of Publication : 2008
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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Introduction Part - I 1. Creating PLI Applications using VPI Routines 2. Interfacing VPI Applications to Verilog Simulators 3. How to Use the VPI Routing 4. Details about the VPI Routing Library 5. Reading and Modifying Values using VPI Routines 6. Synchronizing to Simulations Using VPI Callbacks 7. Interfacting to C Models Using VPI Routines Part – II 8. Creating PLI Applications Using TF and ACC Routing 9. Interfacing TF/ACC Applications to Verilog Simulators 10. How to Use the TF Routing 11. Reading and Writing Values Using TF Routines 12. Synchronizing to Simulations Using Misctf Routines 13. Interfacing to C Models Using TF Routines 14. How to Use the ACC Routines 15. Details on the ACC Routine Library 16. Reading and Modifying Values Using ACC Routines 17. Using the Value Change LINK (VCL) 18. Interfacing to C Models Using ACC Routines

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