BS Publications
Solvent Recovery Handbook
Author(s) :Smallwood

ISBN : 9781405146531
Name : Solvent Recovery Handbook
Price : 1995.00
Edition : 2nd Edition
Author/s : Smallwood
Type : Reference Book
Pages : 424
Year of Publication : 2002
Publisher : John Willey/BSP Books
Binding : Hardback
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1. Introduction 2. Removal of solvents from air 3. Separation of solvents from water 4. Solvent recovery equipment 5. Separation of solvents from residues 6. Separation of used solvents 7. Drying solvents 8. Used solvent disposal 9. Good operating procedure 10. Choice of solvent with recovery in mind 11. Improvements in batch distillation 12. Extractive distillation 13. Significance of solvent properties 14. Recovery notes 15. Properties of solvent pairs 16. Properties of individual solvents

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