BS Publications
Rate Controlled Separations
Author(s) :P. C. Wankat

ISBN : 9788181283146
Name : Rate Controlled Separations
Price : 795.00
Author/s : P. C. Wankat
Type : Text Book
Pages : 873
Year of Publication : 2005
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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About the Book

Separations have always been very important in chemical engineering. This importance has escalated with the emergence of new industries in biotechnology and high performance materials. Separations will continue to remain important in bulk chemical manufacturing, petroleum processing and the other standard areas of interest in chemical engineering. This book covers separation processes which require a rate analysis for complete understanding. This includes most of the newer separation methods. Problem solving is emphasized throughout. A level of mathematical analysis is required and an understanding of mass transfer is assumed.


  1. Part I : Crystallization  Crystallization and Precipitation from Solution - Equilibrium Analysis  Nucleation and Crystal Growth  Population Balances and Crystal Size Distributions  Crystallization from the Melt.
  2. Part II : Sorption and Chromatography  Basics of Sorption in Packed Columns  Linear Theories of Sorption and Chromatography  Non-Linear Theories and packed bed Adsorption Systems  Ion Exchange  Moving Bed and Simulated Moving Bed Sorption Separations Electrophoretic Separation Methods.
  3. Part III : Membranes  Introduction to Membrane Separations  Detailed Theories for Membrane Separations
  4. Part IV : Selection and Sequencing.  Selection and Sequencing of Separations.
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