BS Publications
Mechanical Design, Theory and Methodology
Editor(s) :Waldron

ISBN : 9788181286024
Name : Mechanical Design, Theory and Methodology
Price : 1095.00
Editor/s : Waldron
Type : Text Book
Pages : 387
Year of Publication : 2007
Publisher : Springer/BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
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1. Introduction 2. The influence of the Designer’s Expertise on the Design Process 3. Methods of Studying Mechanical Design 4. Design Characterizations 5. An Observational Methodology for Studying 6. Representation of Conceptual Mechanical Design Knowledge 7. Configuring Systems Using Available Assets: A Conceptual, Decision-Based Perspective 8. Group Decision Making in Design 9. Routineness Revisited 10. A Comparative Analysis of Techniques in Engineering Design 11. A Data Representation for Collaborative Mechanical Design 12. Characterizing Human Analogical Reasoning 13. Entropy Measures in Engineering Design 14. Design Education 15. Life-cycle Design 16. Support for Workflow Process Collaboration 17. Improved Total Development Process: Overcoming the Ten Cash Drains

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