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Drug Delivery Systems
Author(s) :DK Tripathi, Deependra Singh, Manju Rawat Singh, Amber Vyas

ISBN : 9788197181887
Name : Drug Delivery Systems
Price : Currency 425.00
Author/s : DK Tripathi, Deependra Singh
Type : Text Book
Pages : 336
Year of Publication : 2024
Publisher : PharmaMed Press / BSP Books
Binding : Paperback
Table of Contents : Click here-TOC
Chapter1 : Click here-Chapter1
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About the Book:

"Drug Delivery Systems" – a comprehensive guide crafted for the aspiring pharmacists of tomorrow. Authored by a talented team. The revolutionary course content designed by The Pharmacy Council of India. Introduced in 2020, aims to standardize the knowledge imparted to M. Pharmacy students across the country, bridging the gap between different universities and colleges.

Immerse yourself in the realm of Sustained Release (SR) and Controlled Release (CR) formulations, explore the intricate world of Polymers and Dosage Forms for Personalized Medicine, and unravel the mysteries of Rate Controlled Drug Delivery Systems. From Gastro-Retentive to Ocular Drug Delivery Systems, embark on a journey through the cutting-edge advancements shaping the future of pharmaceutical science.

Through the expertise of the authors, readers will gain invaluable insights into Protein and Peptide Delivery, Vaccine delivery systems, and beyond. With a focus on fostering essential competencies, this book serves as a beacon for students seeking to excel in the dynamic landscape of drug delivery.

Discover a wealth of knowledge meticulously presented in an accessible format, designed to empower readers with a profound understanding of dosage form manufacturing. "Drug Delivery Systems" is not just a book – it's a gateway to enhanced learning, ensuring that readers are equipped to meet the demands of the ever-evolving pharmaceutical industry.


1.    Sustained Release (SR) and Controlled Release (CR)

2.    Polymers

3.    Dosage Forms for Personalized Medicine

4.    Rate Controlled Drug Delivery Systems

5.    Gasto-Retentive Drug Delivery Systems

6.    Buccal Drug Delivery Systems

7.    Ocular Drug Delivery Systems

8.    Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems

9.    Protein and Pepide Delivery

10. Vaccine Delivery Systems

About the Author:

D. K. Tripathi, has been working as Director, Pharmacy of Santosh Rungta Group of Institutions, Bhilai. He had been the Dean of Faculty and the Chairman of BOS, Pharmacy, CSVTU (Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University). He has been in profession of Pharmacy since 1974 for about forty-five years. He possessed both industrial and academic experiences.

         He has successfully worked in various academic Institutions in West Bengal, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. During his work he has understood the need of the students for which he has authored ten books. More than hundred fifty research and review articles have been published in various National and International journals of repute. He has supervised about six scholars at PhD level and about fifty scholars at PG level.
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